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Hiring Faculty

Faculty hiring is one of the most crucial activities in ECAS. The hiring process involves both the Office of Faculty in ECAS and the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) in the Provost’s office. The ECAS Affirmative Action Committee and the OEI review all searches for adherence to college and university-level procedures for the recruitment and selection of regular faculty (tenured, tenure-track, and lecture-track), as well as for compliance with federal employment law.

If you have questions about the process, contact Dean Deboleena Roy or Laura Papotto in the Office of Faculty. For questions related to department-specific hiring goals and candidate pool statistics, please contact David Goetsch who is the Assistant Director of Faculty Recruitment in the OEI.

Always refer to the Office of Faculty website for the most current information on faculty searches, including but not limited to Detailed Search Procedures.


In ECAS, we use Interfolio’s ‘Faculty Search’ module for faculty searches. Interfolio is a software company that offers a web-based applicant tracking system. This application enables the collection and review of all candidate materials in one secure location. Interfolio’s Faculty Search will be the primary system for management of active searches.

Go to and log in using your regular Emory credentials. Please note that Chrome provides the best browser interface for this application. If you are taken to a screen with icons for Emory University and Dossier, select Emory University.


Temporary Faculty

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Faculty under discussion here include non-tenure track professors (any rank) and instructors on semester or single-year appointment; teaching affiliates; postdoctoral teaching fellows; artists and scholars in residence; and all teaching appointees whose primary Emory titles are modified by the words “Visiting” or “Adjunct” or “Part-time.”

Requesting Temporary Faculty

The Call for Temporary Faculty Requests is sent to Department Chairs and Program Directors by the Senior Associate Dean with the submission form link.

Requests for graduate student teaching instructors who would be funded by ECAS may be requested as a group on this same survey form. The same is true for graduate teaching assistants who would be funded by ECAS. It is not necessary to submit separate forms for each graduate student instructor and TA. Please do not submit a request form for graduate students who will be funded by the Laney Graduate School or existing department funds.

Temporary Faculty Appointments

The Dean of Emory College of Arts and Sciences issues the official letter that conveys each appointment’s rank, length, and compensation. Departments are responsible for establishing with appointees the nature of courses to be taught and for communicating scheduling and other administrative information. The hire/rehire process will be completed by the department's HR support contact based on the appointment letter. For teaching postdocs, please review our Hiring Postdocs page for details on the process.

After budgetary permission is received, departments recruit temporary faculty through a variety of means that may include a national search. Documents in the file of an appointee will include, at a minimum, a letter of application, a CV, and an official transcript from the university that granted the person’s highest degree.

Most temporary faculty who are not graduate students are hired at the rank of Adjunct Instructor. If the person holds a tenure-track appointment at another school, he or she may retain that rank while teaching at Emory. The person’s title will be modified by the term “Visiting.”

Normally a person may not hold a full-time temporary appointment longer than two years. In rare cases an appointment may be extended to three years. There is one exception: a visiting assistant professor may also be a recent Ph.D. graduate of Emory who is hired to teach for one year following receipt of the Ph.D.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), our accrediting agency, requires that any full-time or part-time faculty member teaching credit courses leading toward a baccalaureate degree, other than physical education activities courses, must have at least a master’s degree in the subject taught or in a related field, or a bachelor’s degree plus 18 hours of graduate work in the subject. Those teaching graduate courses must hold the terminal degree in the subject, normally an earned doctorate.

The rules allow hiring people who lack these credentials if they have “exceptional qualifications.” It is a department’s responsibility to know for a fact the credentials of any appointee, and to furnish the Dean of Emory College of Arts and Sciences with a considered statement explaining and justifying the exceptionality of anyone who does not meet the stated SACSCOC requirement.

SACSCOC requires that we have “proof of highest degree” on file for every faculty member. Before beginning the appointment, each new hire must have an official transcript that indicates that the degree was awarded sent directly to Emory from the institution that granted the highest degree. This applies to all candidates: full-time, part-time, temporary, lecture-track, and tenure-track (junior and senior candidates).

  • Fall Semester appointments normally begin August 1 and end December 31, with salary paid in five monthly installments.
  • Spring Semester appointments begin January 1 and end May 31, with salary paid in five monthly installments.
  • Academic Year appointments begin September 1 and end May 31, with salary paid in nine
    monthly installments. Upon request, an academic year appointment may begin September 1 and end August 31, with salary paid in twelve monthly installments.
  • Those who are hired full-time for at least six consecutive months are eligible for certain benefits, including health insurance. See for details.
  • Temporary faculty members are not usually eligible for research and travel funds.
  • Temporary faculty members are not usually eligible for funds for relocation.

Temporary Faculty Orientation

The department chair or a chair’s designee will conduct an orientation session in which all new temporary and part-time faculty must participate. The session should include a walking tour of department facilities, description of conventions and safety requirements of the facilities, and introduction to office staff and other appropriate people. Written guidelines and policies should be distributed including:

  • A copy of this policy statement.
  • A department directory or equivalent roster.
  • Information on availability of clerical services; department policies regarding mail, telephone usage, computer and internet access; and how supplemental course materials are to be reproduced and paid for.
  • Information on facilities and services provided faculty at Emory including parking, ID card, library services, course book ordering, audiovisual aids and equipment availability, and gym use.
  • An explanation of department course sequences and prerequisites, and how instructors may determine that students in their classes have satisfied appropriate prerequisites.
  • Information about class meeting times and department policies on attendance.
  • A description of the College’s registration system, how faculty will receive class rosters, and procedures for permitting a student to overload into or withdraw from a course.
  • A blank Emory College of Arts and Sciences Course and Instructor Evaluation form and sample summary sheet showing how a representative course/instructor scored. Every person who teaches a College course is required to have each class do a set of these evaluations at the end of each semester.
  • A copy of the Honor Code of Emory College of Arts and Sciences and an explanation of policies on academic honesty specific to the department.