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Hightower Speaker Funds

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Each year Emory College receives funds from the Hightower endowment, which memorializes the late Robert E. Hightower Sr. This endowment provides funds to bring outstanding visiting lecturers to Emory.

The College has typically committed funds of $75,000-$100,000 annually. These include small allocations for partial funding of a single speaker to larger amounts to support conferences with several speakers.

Hightower applications are now accepted and reviewed by ECAS Divisional Deans on a rolling deadline.

Pedagogy Mini-Grant Request

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The ECAS Office of Faculty supports creativity and innovation in pedagogy and classroom teaching. We offer Pedagogy Mini-grants to support our faculty who are dedicated to supporting our students and contributing to teaching excellence. A Pedagogy Mini-grant should be used for an activity directly related to a class you are teaching during the Spring or Fall semesters. Anyone currently teaching in ECAS is eligible, including tenure-track faculty, teaching-track faculty, instructors, adjunct faculty, visiting faculty, and graduate student instructors of record. Requests can be made for amounts up to $350. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. It is recommended that you apply the semester before you intend to use the funds from the mini-grant.

Emory Williams Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award

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The Emory Williams Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award is made annually in each of the three divisions (humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences) and is presented at Commencement in May. Winners are selected by a committee of distinguished faculty, previous award recipients, and students.

Award recipients hold a record of excellence in teaching, having made major contributions in their academic discipline to curriculum development, pedagogy, and educational innovation. They have earned the respect of colleagues both at Emory and in the larger academic community.

We will contact all of the nominees and their department chairs to notify them of the nomination. If nominees wish to be considered for this award, we will ask them to provide a current CV, a two-page teaching statement, a recent three-year run of the summaries of course evaluations for all College courses, and any other supplemental information related to teaching that they wish the selection committee to consider. Nominations that are not chosen for the award in a given year will be held and reconsidered for three years.

George P. Cuttino Award

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This award is named in honor of the late George Peddy Cuttino, a member of our history department from 1952 to 1984 known among several generations of Emory students not only as a teacher, but also as a guide and counselor beyond the classroom. The successful recipient of this prestigious award should exhibit a similar record of exceptional mentoring of students. We invite nominations from any member of the Emory College faculty. Nominations that are not chosen for the award in a given year will be held and reconsidered for three years.

Named Chairs in Emory College of Arts & Sciences

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Samuel Candler Dobbs: Full professors who have shown extraordinary accomplishment and considerable future promise in research and teaching. ECAS customarily identifies one Samuel Candler Dobbs chair/year in each division. Samuel Candler Dobbs Professors receive a modest salary adjustment and an annual research fund of $4,000/year.

Goodrich C. White: Full professors who have distinguished themselves by extraordinary service to the university and by strong accomplishment in research and teaching. One Goodrich C. White chair is customarily identified each year. Goodrich C. White Professors receive a modest salary adjustment and an annual research fund of $4,000/year.

Winship Distinguished Research Award: Tenured faculty (generally associate professors showing stellar progress toward promotion to full professor, or recently promoted full professors on a steep upward trajectory) who demonstrate singular accomplishments in research. Such recognition should honor achievement and further scholarly research and research-based teaching. Winship Professorships are awarded for a three-year term. ECAS generally identifies one Winship Distinguished Research Professor per division each year. Winship Distinguished Research Professors receive a salary enhancement of $5,000 for a three-year term, and a $3,000/year research fund. The additional salary is then rolled into the faculty member’s base pay.

Distinguished Teaching Professorships

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The three distinguished teaching professorships listed below recognize faculty who have played a key role in departmental/program efforts to enhance teaching/mentoring/advising/curricular development.

Appointees for all three professorships are expected to maintain active teaching contributions to their departments and to offer pedagogical and curricular leadership to the College, including a variety of programming/events, individual teaching mentorship, and collaborations with the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence (CFDE). The NEH and Nat C. Robertson professors will also serve on a newly formed advisory committee on pedagogy and curriculum.

Appointees of all three professorships receive a modest salary supplement of $5,000, annual travel/research funds in the amount of $3,000, and additional monetary support for programming undertaken to improve College teaching. Faculty are expected to continue to contribute to the core curriculum of their departments. One course reduction in the regular teaching load will be considered upon review of individual proposals. Nominations that are not chosen for the award in a given year will be held and reconsidered for three years.

Arthur Blank/NEH Chair in the Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences

Awarded to tenured faculty in the humanities and humanistic social sciences with a record of exemplary teaching and a demonstrated commitment to pedagogical rigor and innovation. Three-year term.

Masse-Martin NEH Professorship

Awarded to tenured faculty in the humanities and humanistic social sciences with a record of exemplary teaching and a demonstrated commitment to pedagogical rigor and innovation. Three-year term.

Nat C. Robertson Professor of Science and Society

Awarded to an outstanding senior scholar-teacher, open to lecture and tenure track faculty who addresses the nexus between science and society and have a record of exemplary teaching and a demonstrated commitment to pedagogical and curricular innovation. Three-year term.

Heilbrun Distinguished Emeritus Fellows

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The Heilbrun Distinguished Emeritus Fellowship, named in honor of our late colleague Alfred B. Heilbrun, Jr., Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology, and funded through a generous gift from his family, this wonderful Fellowship offers an opportunity for heightened engagement in research and scholarship, and plays an important role in supporting a vibrant Emeritus community.

Any faculty who have not previously received this award and have been in emeritus status at least one year are eligible to apply. The program will support two fellowships in the amount of $10,000 each.

The criteria for selection includes:

  • The relationship of the proposed project to the candidate's previous research.
  • The feasibility of completing the project within the term of the Fellowship.
  • The pertinence of the research to resources available at Emory.
  • The overall value of the research to the applicant's field or discipline.

Fellowship recipients will be asked to agree to the following conditions:

  • submission of a written report to the Committee upon completion of the Fellowship
  • formal acknowledgment of Fellowship support in any published work that results
  • attendance at receptions and social gatherings sponsored by the Committee
  • compliance with Emory research compliance and travel-related policies when using Heilbrun funds

Application details:

  • Detailed description of the planned research project to be undertaken during the term of the fellowship
  • Budget detail of the research expenses
  • Curriculum vita that includes activities undertaken since gaining emeritus status


Send application and questions to

Winship Awards for Teaching-Track Faculty

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In the past, the Winship Awards have typically provided 1-2 individual faculty members with one semester of leave (including release from both teaching and service) and a $1,500 budget for professional expenses during the year of the award. This year, we are increasing the total number of awards that will be distributed. We are also creating a “Team award” configuration to better serve our eligible teaching-track faculty who wish to work on a collaborative and innovative project. In total we will distribute 3-4 Winship Awards, including Team awards. Winners of the Winship Awards may take their leaves (or course releases in the case of a Team award) during either semester of the 2025-2026 academic year. 

Individual awards:

  • will continue to support a semester of leave with release from both teaching and service
  • will continue to provide $1,500 budget for professional expenses

Team awards:

  • will support 2-4 faculty members who are working on a group project (co-authored textbook, collaborative grant application, etc.)
  • will provide one course release per team member
  • will provide release from service in the semester that the course release is taken
  • will provide $1,500 budget to each team member for professional expenses

During this leave, the Winship award winners will pursue activities described in written proposals that accompany their applications. These activities should foster professional development related to their teaching. Projects may include (but are not confined to) engaging in research that has a direct impact on the applicant’s teaching; producing textbooks, laboratory handbooks, or other pedagogical tools; receiving specialized training either locally or elsewhere; carrying out research on outcomes of courses or measures of learning; mounting an exhibition, writing a script, or putting on a performance; establishing community initiatives and partnerships; or developing interactive, digital, or web platforms for courses.

The Chronos Faculty Fellowship in Emory College of Arts and Sciences

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The College of Arts and Sciences is accepting applications for the Chronos Faculty Fellowship for a tenured faculty member in the Humanities or Social Sciences.  Given the number of social issues we face today, and the urgency with which we must find solutions in order to move forward, the Chronos Faculty Fellowship will support one academic year of leave, allowing a tenured member of the College faculty to pursue deep intellectual inquiry, pose important questions, address major problems, and contribute to critical understandings of and responses to pressing social and economic issues in and beyond a single field or discipline.  


Honoring the critical importance of time in the scholarly work of research and writing, this opportunity has been conceived as a way to support creative and ambitious scholarship in the post-tenure period when time for immersive research/writing can be especially difficult to secure. It is targeted toward those faculty whose scholarship is able to speak to a wide audience through publication and presentations in outlets that have a broad reach.


The successful fellowship recipient will advance a bold research question and demonstrate the capacity to disseminate the results of that research through clear and compelling writing. The Chronos Faculty Fellowship is funded through a generous grant by the Abraham J. & Phyllis Katz Foundation, and a single fellowship, (salary and $10,000 in research/travel funds). In concert with this generous gift, the College will fund a Visiting Assistant Professorship (or similar instructional opportunity) in the successful Chronos Fellowship recipient’s field to provide a professional development opportunity for an individual in the early career stage, and to ensure the coverage of relevant courses.   


Fellowship applications should include the following:

  • CV
  • A research/writing proposal no longer than 3 single spaced pages
  • A brief letter of endorsement from the department chair
  • Courses to be released during the academic year of leave

Proposals should be submitted to 


Proposals will be judged on the creativity of the research question; the need for an extended research period; and the demonstration of a record of clear and effective writing.  The successful recipient will submit a brief report on the research activities, presentations and publications resulting from the Fellowship at the completion of the leave.