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Emory College’s Undergraduate Research Programs proudly offers Emory students from every discipline the opportunity to showcase their creative endeavors, scholarship, and research, scholarship at signature symposia.

Participating in a research symposium offers the opportunity to:

  • Share research findings with peers and engaging in discussions. 

  • Practice and honing presentation skills. 

  • Facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue by sharing findings with those from different academic backgrounds. 

  • Showcase research achievements to faculty, family, and the wider community. 

 Learn more about the 2024 Summer Symposium

Submission Process

To particpate in a Symposium, participants will be required to submit the symposia submission form that outlines the following:

Presentation Formats

Participants in the undergraduate research symposia are encouraged to explore diverse presentation formats that best suit their field of study and research findings.To present, students must complete an abstract submission form during the submission period. 

We accommodate students through the following formats: 

Live Performance and Visual Artistic Display:Students have the option to present either a live artistic performance or a visual artistic display. Live performances should be within a 10–12-minute time slot, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session. Visual artistic displays can include stationary artwork, digital storytelling, interactive maps, digital archives, or data visualizations, also within a 10–12-minute time slot. Presenters must be present for the entire duration. 

Poster Presentations: Suitable for visual summaries of research findings, prepare a five-minute poster presentation. Presenters will be assigned a one-hour time slot to present to the Emory community. See Creating a Poster page for design tips and templates. 

Oral Presentations:Ideal for in-depth discussion of research topics, these spots are limited in availability and should be indicated as a preference on the abstract submission form. Each oral presentation lasts 15 minutes, with 10-12 minutes for the presentation and 3-5 minutes for audience questions and discussion. Students must be present for the duration of the one-hour presentation slot, which will include presentations from four speakers. 

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