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DAAD/German Academic Exchange Service Study Scholarship

Application Deadline: MAY 1 and NOV. 1

Open to: Seniors, current graduate students, and individuals who completed their last degree no longer than 6 years ago
Award type: Academic/ research
Area(s) of study: All fields except clinical sciences (dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine)
Award criteria: academic achievement; interest in cultural exchange
Award provides: Funding and stipend for one academic year, with the possibility of a one-year extension for those wishing to complete a full degree program in Germany.
Open to international students: Yes*
Institutional Support or Endorsement Required: No

  • Have a GPA of at least 3.0
  • Have not been living in Germany for more than 15 months at the time of application

The German Academic Exchange Service provides support for highly qualified applicants for one year of independent study in Germany through the Research Grant or for a full master's degree program at a German University through the Study Scholarship. Applicants must have an outstanding academic record and a convincing and well-planned research project or choice of course. Applicants in the humanities and social sciences should have a good command of German. Applicants may not concurrently hold a DAAD grant and a grant from another German, German-American, or German-Canadian organization for the same project.

This award does not require Emory endorsement. For more information and to apply, visit

DAAD also funds scholarships for undergraduates to support 4-10 months of research or study. For more information about undergraduate scholarships, visit

NS&FP recommends beginning the application process in October.

* Foreign nationals who have been in a full-time degree program at a university in the US or Canada for at least one year by the time of application deadline are eligible.


Diane Ryu (‘15C), Environmental Studies and African Studies

If you are interested in learning more about the application process and recommended timeline, visit our main Canvas course.

If you are not currently enrolled in our Canvas course, you may self enroll.
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