Faculty play a critical role in advising and preparing students to apply for prestigious awards, as well as in the nomination process for awards requiring institutional endorsement.
NS&FP advisors are happy to speak with you about specific awards and to provide guidance concerning letters of recommendation and giving effective feedback on application materials. Please contact us with any questions or inquiries.
We have prepared guides for faculty who have questions about referring students and writing letters of recommendation.
Do you know an exceptional student at Emory who might be a strong candidate for scholarships, fellowships, graduate study, research, or teaching? Please fill out this nomination form so we can invite them to learn more.
Nominations are welcome from faculty, staff, graduate students, and peers.
Every year, faculty and staff from across the university serve on selection, nomination, and practice interview committees for prestigious awards. Serving on award committees is an excellent opportunity to meet intellectually engaged students and colleagues from across the disciplines.
If you are interested in serving on a nomination/selection committee, or joining our Faculty Advisory Board, click this box. We look forward to hearing from you!