Hiring Students
According to HR policy on student employment, a student employee is any current and in active status Emory student who works for Emory for pay. Students may be employed only in a temporary (employment) status. Emory students enrolled in post graduate programs will be considered for regular employment status with Emory on a case by case basis.
Departments can post open student jobs using Handshake, a virtual jobs board managed by Emory's Career Center and Pathways Center. Handshake provides information about both FWS and non-FWS student employment opportunities.
HRWeb Access
Back to topAll student hires in the College must be submitted via HR Web Student Hire and the Pre-Start Service by the department/program’s Academic Department Administrator or Lead Staff or designated department-level student hire representative.
Access to the PeopleSoft Student Hire system is granted via Data Access Request. Please follow the instructions below.
- Using your Emory NetID, log into the HR Access Requests portal for Student Hire Functions: https://apps.hr.emory.edu/DataAccess/SHIRES/
- Complete and submit the Student Hire Function Request Form.
- You must select a Dean, Director, or Department head to approve your access to Student Hire Functions. Your approver will receive an email notification to review your request.
In order to view and manage your student employee job data after the date of hire, you must also submit a separate request for access to Emory HR Web View and/or Update functions. To see every student in your department, be sure to include the Student (8, W) and Postdoc (9, G, L, F) employee classes.
Work-Study Students
Back to topWork Study students are partially funded by the federal government. During the initial recruiting process, departments should make every effort to hire work-study student employee(s) first.
Students must have applied for and received financial aid. Work Study students are generally allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during periods of enrollment, and 40 hours per week during periods of non-enrollment.
Hiring work study students is the department's responsibility. Use job code 9998 when hiring work-study students via the HR Web Student Hire system.
Information and forms related to student hiring including work-study hires and rehires, payroll schedules, and work study supervisor's handbook is available at the Office of Financial Aid's Student Employment page.
Non-Work-Study Students
Back to topNon-work study students are hired by the department via the HR Web Student Hire system. When completing a Student Hire in HRWeb, the department rep should use:
- job code 9900 for biweekly undergraduate student employees
- job code 9910 for monthly undergraduate student employees
- job code 9911 for biweekly graduate student employees
- job code 9909 for monthly undergraduate student employees
Emory HRWeb Student Hire Functions provide Department Lead Staff the ability to enter data on potential student employees and to submit it for review by the Human Resources Data Services staff in compliance with Emory University hiring requirements.
This tool is accessed by the Emory HRWeb link at http://leo.cc.emory.edu or by clicking the Employee Self Service link on the HR home page.
Teaching Assistants
Back to topTeaching assistant are hired by the department. The College Office monitors teaching assistant salary charges to ensure that commitment amounts are not exceeded, and to ensure that the department is reimbursed for salary charges via transfer from Operations Area Office/Finance.
UTAs serve important roles in the classroom, helping faculty with course delivery and serving as a link between students enrolled in the course and the faculty instructor of record.
The instructor of record for any given course is ultimately responsible for course content and delivery and is also responsible for the conduct and performance of UTAs. UTAs are the responsibility of the faculty supervising them. UTA selection is determined by individual programs or departments.
Please review the UTA policy for details regarding:
- role of UTAs
- UTA Expectations
- UTA Selection
- Training
- Compensation
- Supervision and Evaluation
Approved: Curriculum, Assessment, and Educational Policy Committee, April 22, 2022
Future Term & Terminating Student Hires
Back to topAll Emory students employed by the University are temporary employees. When completing the Steps to Hiring a Student, the HR Web Student Hire system requires a student job entry to include a job start date and a job end date, also known as a Future Term. The job entry will terminate automatically according to that date.
For monthly student employees, this means they will be paid each month between their start date until the Future Term. For biweekly student employees, this means they will be paid according to their timecard entries until the Future Term.
It is important that the Future Term is correct. For example, FWS student employees cannot work past a certain date each semester according to their award amount and/or the FWS period dates (see FWS Supervisor Training Presentation).
Departmental Lead Staff receive an automated Future Term Report via email on the 1st of each month that should be regularly reviewed to make certain that all temporary employees, including student employees, have a future term date and that the date is correct according to the job details. The future term date should not reflect a date that has already passed if the employee record is still active. If there is not a future term date noted for a specific temporary employee, or there is an active employee with a future term date, but that future term date has passed, please contact your ECAS HR support contact.
Back to topTimecards for Biweekly Students
Students hired using the 9900/9911 job codes are paid on a bi-weekly basis and are required to use Kronos Web Clocking to record their “in” and “out” timestamps for each day worked. Once a bi-weekly student's hire record is live in PeopleSoft, they will receive an automated email with clocking instructions.
Departmental Supervisors Approve & Edit Timecards
Departmental supervisors approve timesheets in Emory Timecard Adjustment System (ETAS) according to the bi-weekly payroll schedule (NETid log-in required to access this page). The timecard review and approval process should be completed prior to the ETAS deadline each pay period to prevent errors in pay.
Timecards lock for changes on the ETAS & Kronos payroll processing deadline. Before that deadline, supervisors and employees can make adjustments and corrections.
If you require additional assistance to complete a task, send an email to Emory University Payroll or call the Payroll Department at 404-727-6100.
Direct Deposit
Back to topFaculty, staff and students must have paychecks direct-deposited into an account at a financial institution (Source: Emory Policy 4.90 Direct Deposit / Pay Advice).
Effective 03/01/2022 Emory University Payroll Department charges $50.00 for each faculty, staff or student who do not sign up for direct deposit after the first occurrence. The department lead staff will be notified by ECAS HR when an employee in their department has not set up direct deposit and has a paper check to pick up from the Payroll office.
Important Note
- Log into PeopleSoft HR/Self-Service using your Emory NETID and password. For security purposes, if you log on from a computer outside the Emory network, you will get a DUO Two-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity. If you are not enrolled in Duo, instructions can be found at it.emory.edu/duo.
- Select Payroll tile
- Select Direct Deposit tile
- Edit or Add Account – You will need to know the account number that you currently have to make any changes.
- Add new Account – You will need to verify with your Social Security Number
- Follow instructions on the page to set up.
Resources & Training
Back to topCollege HR has developed resources for supervisors to use in organizing and managing student employees. Departmental Lead Staff can access these resources via the member-only Lead Staff Sharepoint. Should you need any additional assistance please contact your designated Emory College HR Associate.
It is important to emphasize confidentiality among student employees who photocopy, file, shred, deliver, or handle in any other manner student, staff, and faculty files, grades, contact information, and other documents considered confidential. We encourage supervisors to have student employees review and sign a confidentiality statement.
Please download the Confidentiality Agreement and have your student assistants read and sign it on an annual basis. Retain the signed copy in the students’ personnel record. College HR uses a Student Employee Handbook that provides information on tasks, processes, and protocol relevant for students employed in our office. We encourage departments to create their own such handbooks and resources that will help students and supervisors.
2025 Training Sessions
- 02/12/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 03/12/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 04/16/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 05/14/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 06/11/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 07/09/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 07/24/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 08/13/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 08/21/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 09/17/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 10/15/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 11/12/2025 - 10:00 AM
- 12/03/2025 - 10:00 AM
- Log in to the Learning Management System
- Click on Learning Management – Brainier
- Use the search bar at the top to search for the class “Student New Hire Training"
- Click on Register to complete your registration
- After registering, you will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link and option to add the course to your calendar
Steps to Hiring a Student
Back to topPre-start the student.
Provide the student the Orientation (https://apps.hr.emory.edu/Orientation) link where they will complete I-9 Section 1, W-4, G-4, direct deposit and OrientationComplete I-9 Section II.
After verifying the student's employment authorization documents, complete I-9 Section II online using Equifax I-9 Management.Upload supporting I-9 documentation to Equifax.
All employment authorization documents must be physically examined in person with the employee present or over live video. A scan of the photo must then be uploaded as attachments to the I-9 in Equifax.Enter the student’s job in PeopleSoft HR Web Student Hire.
Do not enter job if I-9 is not complete. Data Services will not process the hire into PeopleSoft without a completed I-9. Access to the PeopleSoft Student Hire system must be granted via Data Access Request in order to gain this function.
Ensure the correct student employee job code is being used:
Confirmation of Student Hire entry being processed into PeopleSoft.
Approximately 24 hours after the student's job has been correctly entered into HR Web, Data Services processes the new job entry and sends an email to the user who submitted the Student Hire. Students may begin working once the e-mail approval message is received by the department.If the student is biweekly paid, provide instructions for clocking in/out.
The student is required to use Kronos Web Clocking to record their “in” and “out” timestamps for each day worked. The student may begin clocking in and out once the student is visible to the timekeeper on KRONOS.