An occasion worthy of celebrating all year long

Here are a few exciting ways to do just that. 

Serve on your Reunion Host Committee to generate excitement amongst your classmates. 

Organize a milestone-specific activity wherever and however you want. Many alumni mark their milestone by planning a special trip with their former roommates, sorority/fraternity sisters/brothers, and classmates. Contact us and we will send you Emory swag to make your gathering reunion-official!

Connect with your local network of fellow Emory alumni by attending events and programs in your city. 

Make a gift in recognition of your milestone year to a fund of your choice. 

Help undergraduate students by attending or volunteering for a Pathways Center program, if available in your area. 

Hire an Emory student or recent grad. Emory Connects, a platform for Emory alumni and students that offers opportunities for career advice and networking, is a great place to start. 

Interested in serving on your
Reunion Host Committee?

Reunions are more successful if more classmates come back – that is why we need a great group of volunteers who are willing to help create a buzz leading up to the party, connect with your class, and serve as an Emory champion, wherever you may live.   

Have questions?

Jordan Grassi Dauterman 21T
Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement
Emory College of Arts and Sciences

Jana Wineburg
Associate Director of Alumni Engagement
Emory Goizueta Business School