Zoom Resources

Zoom can be used for connecting virtually with students and colleagues. Classes, office hours, and meetings may all be held using Zoom. Zoom is also a simple-to-use tool for recording lectures (including voice-over-PowerPoint) to be delivered asynchronously.

All Emory users should log in to their Emory Zoom account through the web or through the Zoom client. Please visit the LITS Messaging and Collaboration site for helpful documentation and tutorials.

All Emory College instructors are asked to record their live class meetings and/or synchronous class sessions using Zoom's cloud record feature and to share the recording with enrolled students via the course Canvas site. Class recordings involving students should not be shared beyond students currently enrolled in the course.

Zoom Quick Links

Preventing Zoom-Bombing

"Zoom-Bombing" refers to when an unwelcome user joins a Zoom meeting, usually with the intention of sharing inappropriate images. Most instances have involved large public meetings, however, several Emory College Zoom meetings have also been subject to these attacks. Please use the resources below to prevent this from happening.

In most instances, a good approach is to use the Waiting Room option that allows authenticated users (i.e. those using an Emory Zoom account) to automatically join a meeting, while outside users must wait in the waiting room until approved to enter the meeting. Setting up meetings with passwords is also wise.

Advice from Emory LITS on Settings to Avoid Zoombombing

Information about "Zoom-Bombing" and How to Minimize the Risk

Zoom Meeting and Webinar Passwords

Emory Police Department Information on Zoom-Bombing

Zoom for Remote Teaching Workshop

This video contains Zoom information from a series of remote teaching readiness workshops held by Emory College during the first week of March 2020.

About Zoom

Zoom is a full-featured web and video conferencing service that offers online meetings and webinars.

Features include polling, breakout rooms, instant messaging, and a wide variety of audio options.

Zoom allows all Emory faculty, staff, and students to connect with up to 300 other people for live online meetings.