May 9, 2024

We are excited to share that we can accommodate all additional tickets that were requested by yesterday’s deadline. If you filled out the form, please review the email you received last night on Wednesday, May 8 at 10:30 p.m. from MarchingOrder for next steps to claim your tickets. 

We have a few tickets left. If you still need additional tickets for the Emory College Diploma Ceremony, please fill out this form by today, May 9 at 5 p.m., and you will be notified by noon on Friday. No more tickets will be distributed after this point.  

As a reminder, the University Commencement tickets you have already received for your guests apply to the Emory College Diploma Ceremony as well.  

Please note: These additional tickets are for the Emory College Diploma Ceremony only. Guests with these tickets can enter the arena once the University ceremony has ended and the non-Emory College undergraduate schools have exited.  

Be sure to check for more information about the venue, parking, bag policy, and other logistics. We will also send a communication on Friday with final details and any additional updates. We understand the significance of this occasion for you and your loved ones, and we're committed to making it special. We look forward to celebrating with you on Monday!  

The Emory College Graduation Team 

Resources for Emory College Students

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